An A-Z of the World - from E. H. Gombrich
As an aid to students, teachers and parents, we have constructed an A–Z of the World taken from E. H. Gombrich’s, 'A Little History of the World'. Each post contains a bite-sized introduction to a historical figure, event or period – using Gombrich’s magical words – along with links to free resources, so that readers of all ages can discover more.
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A is for... Alexander the Great

B is for... Brutus (and Julius Caesar)

C is for... the Crusades

D is for... Darius, King of Kings

E is for... the Enlightenment

F is for... the First World War

G is for... Galileo Galilei

H is for... Hannibal

I is for... the Industrial Revolution

J is for... Joan of Arc

K is for... Knights

L is for... Leonardo da Vinci

M is for... Marie Antoinette

N is for... Napoleon

O is for... the Olympics

P is for... Pyramids

Q is for... Queen Elizabeth I

R is for... the Roman Empire

S is for... the Second World War

T is for... Tools

U is for... the United States of America

V is for... Versailles

W is for... Witchcraft

X is for... Xerxes

Y is for... You!

Z is for... Zeus (and Apollo)