A Book Lover’s Gift Guide: The Globetrotter

This wGobetrotter2inter we have gathered together some of our favourite books – books for Biography BuffsHistory Lovers and Globetrotters – books for every Dedicated Follower of Fashion, for Mods, Rockers (…and all that jazz) and some stunning books to grace your Coffee Table. For two weeks only, starting at the beginning of December, Yale will be offering discounts on these selected titles (in the UK only), when you sign up to our eNewsletter. So become a friend of Yale now, and receive your promotional code to use on the Yale UK website in December. All you need to be this Christmas is a Book Lover!

Travel has never been so easy. Neither has reading about it. Our gift guide for the wanderlust-prone individual covers politics, culture and history, delving into the most interesting aspects of places all over the globe. Hun Sen’s Cambodia tackles issues of modern day politics, whilst The Danube tracks the journey from the Black Sea to the Black Forest, and Global Rules gives a comprehensive overview of the Anglo-American ‘special relationship’. With this selection, it’s impossible to hit the road without a good book.

A Book Lover’s Gift Guide: The Globetrotter

history 9780300186833 history-1
history-2 history-3 history-4
history-13 globetrotter Biography

To access the offer code for these books, sign up to the Yale eNewsletter

 Exclusive offer for a limited time period only: 01/12/2014 – 15/12/2014
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