London Art Book Fair opens today!

The London Art Book Fair 2011 opens today at the Whitechapel Gallery and runs from 23 – 25 September. We take a look at this exciting event, which includes a talk by Nigel Warburton, author of A Little History of Philosophy.

The London Art Book Fair is an annual event devoted to international art publishing, hosted by the Whitechapel Gallery. The Book Fair presents the work of individual arts publishing houses such as Yale, galleries, magazines, colleges, rare book dealers and distributors alongside a wider associated programme of talks and events. As well as being great publicity for art publishers, the fair presents a great opportunity for art lovers to meet artists and writers, get their books signed and buy the latest art books from leading galleries, museums and publishers from around the world.

The Fair’s programme of events includes a talk by Yale’s very own Nigel Warburton, author of a Little History of Philosophy. The event is FREE and starts at 5pm tonight, so if you’re at a loose end, why not head down and be entertained by one of the country’s leading popular philosophers. Or just come visit us at Yale’s stall!

Click here to view the full programme of events for the Art Fair.

More on Nigel Warburton

Nigel Warburton

Nigel Warburton

Nigel Warburton (born 1962) is a philosopher, currently Senior Lecturer at the Open University. He is best known as a populariser of philosophy, being author of a number of books of this genre, but he has also written academic works in esthetics and applied ethics.

He regularly teaches courses on philosophy and art at Tate Modern and writes a monthly column ‘Everyday Philosophy’ for Prospect magazine. He runs a popular philosophy weblog Virtual Philosopher and with David Edmonds regularly podcasts interviews with top philosophers on a range of subjects at Philosophy Bites.

Reserve a seat for his free event at the Book Fair.

Related Links

Learn more about his book A Little History of Philosophy.
Open University Author Page
Philosophy Bites Podcast
Philosophy Bites Twitter Page

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